QDI systems is a high-tech start-up, spin-off from Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen. At QDI systems, we develop imaging devices for medical applications based on quantum dots.

The strategy of QDI systems is to become a major technology provider, developing QDs technology for various applications. The value that we offer includes high-quality and easy-to-use quantum dot material and the detailed recipe on how to make a high-performance device out of it.

Are you interested in our technology and what we are doing? Do you have an idea about the collaboration or a problem that can be solved by using QD technology? Or you just want to share a few words with us?


Our mission is to provide high-quality images for radiologists for more precise and early-stage diagnostics.

The ambition of QDI systems is to become a major technology provider for various X-ray applications. The value that we offer combines high-quality and easy-to-use quantum dot material and the detailed method on how to manufacture high-performance X-ray sensors.

Our team

Artem Shulga, PHD
Juul Gielens, Bsc
Dima Bederak, PHD
Research and development
Nataliia Sukharevska, MSC
Research and development
Vincent Goossens, MSC
Research and development
Martha Rivera-Medina, PHD
Research and development
Pieter Nomden,
Financial controller

Our partners